programs that use cgo
(e.g. those that use sqlite
) break one
of the best features of go
: static binaries.
Usually, C programs can be made static by passing the -static
flag to the compiler/linker.
In Go we can do that like this:
go build -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"'
This works if the C code doesn't use any shared libraries(.so
) or,
if it does, there are static versions(.a
) on your system for those libs.
But if those conditions aren't met(for example if the program links against libdl
that means that your Go binary will be dynamically linked.
But there's a way to avoid it.
You can use Alpine Linux, which uses musl libc(which has no external dependencies), to compile your Go program.
Alpine is a Linux distro, so that means that this trick works only for Linux. This won't work for other platforms.
Here's how it can be done:
docker run --rm --name alpine_builder golang:alpine sleep infinity
docker cp main.go alpine_builder:/tmp/
docker exec -it alpine_builder ash
cd /tmp
go build -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o my_binary main.go
), then copy your binary back to your host OSdocker cp alpine_builder:/tmp/my_binary .
docker stop alpine_builder
You can check if it worked with
ldd my_binary
It should print something like this: not a dynamic executable
After all this, you now have your statically linked binary(my_binary
that you can use on your machine or copy to any Linux machine.