Let's start with the code:
set -e
function cmd_no_args() {
echo "this is a command without args"
function cmd_with_args() {
echo "this is a command with args"
echo "number of args:" $#
for a in "$@"
echo $a
function help() {
echo "usage: $0 command [arg0..argN]"
echo "commands:"
echo " help print this message"
echo " cmd_no_args run a command without arguments"
echo " cmd_with_args run a command with arguments"
case $1 in
[[ ! -z "$1" ]] && echo "unknown command '$1'"
echo "run '$0 help' to see usage"
exit 1
Now let's break it down.
The script consists of multiple commands.
Each command is represented by a function.
When the script is run, the first argument of the script is the command and the rest of the arguments are passed to the function which is named the same as the command.
i.e. if the script is run like this:
./myscript.sh cmd_with_args "a b c" x y z
the function cmd_with_args will be called with the arguments "a b c" x y z.
run './myscript.sh help' to see usage
./myscript.sh wrong
unknown command 'wrong'
run './myscript.sh help' to see usage
./myscript.sh help
usage: ./myscript.sh command [arg0..argN]
help print this message
cmd_no_args run a command without arguments
cmd_with_args run a command with arguments
./myscript.sh cmd_no_args
this is a command without args
./myscript.sh cmd_with_args "arg with spaces in it" arg1 arg2 arg3
this is a command with args
number of args: 4
arg with spaces in it